OOH FAQ: How Do I Propose Marriage with a Billboard?
February 13, 2024
Did you know that Valentine’s Day is the most popular day to get engaged? That’s why we put together an FAQ on how to go big for perhaps the biggest question you’ll ever ask. Because when you want to pop the question in a way that makes a statement, it’s hard to beat the billboard marriage proposal.
A billboard marriage proposal says, “if they wanted to, they would.” It says, “I need to shout this love out from the mountaintops.” It says, “my love for you is larger than life.” And while we can’t guarantee that your intended will say yes, we can say this with certainty: billboard marriage proposals get attention.
That’s why you see “will you marry me?” billboards on the local news. Why is it news when a couple of ordinary non-celebrity people get engaged? It isn’t – until they put it on a billboard. Then it’s newsworthy because it’s on a billboard.

So, for those of you who’ve wondered “how do I propose marriage with a billboard,” we’ve put together these Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I pick a location for my wedding proposal billboard?
Contact OUTFRONT to get started. We’ll connect you with an expert in your area who can show you all your options. Photosheets for potential locations preview the environment to help you choose the perfect place for the magic moment. Imagine their face when they see your declaration of love along their daily commute, or next to the restaurant you’re dining in together.
What are some tips if I want to design my own wedding proposal billboard creative?
“Keep with the K.I.S.S. philosophy, which in this case could mean Keep It Simple, Stud,” quipped STUDIOS Senior Art Director Brianna Foley, the mind behind the creative pictured above.
Her colleague, STUDIOS Senior Art Director Acie Petty – who designed the wedding proposal creative pictured below – has his own advice for would-be billboard buyers: “Make it dynamic, make it clean, and make it memorable.”

I am not a designer. Can you help me design a wedding proposal billboard?
We absolutely can! Just like with our commercial clients, we can leverage the expertise of STUDIOS, our in-house creative agency, by conducting a discovery conversation to learn what is special and unique about the two of you. We can then integrate all of that into the design and provide several personal, meaningful options to choose from.
Do I want to do a wedding proposal on a digital billboard or a regular one?
Each has its advantages. The beauty of digital out of home is that there’s no charge for material (such as the vinyl traditional billboards are printed on) and no need to allow time for printing, production, and installation. Digital out of home ads can also run during a specific window of time, rotating throughout a single day or even a portion thereof, another factor that makes DOOH a cost-effective route to take.
Of course, there’s something to be said for traditional billboard formats. With these always-on ads, you don’t have to share space. A billboard solely devoted to your advertisement is a perfect metaphor for the devotion you feel for your partner. (You can have that line. It’s a freebie.) Static billboards can also let you get really creative by incorporating special effects, extensions, or 3D pop-outs – perfect for a love so big it can’t be put in a box.

Can I do a billboard marriage proposal in Times Square?
When it comes to grand gestures, they don’t come much bigger than that. Get in touch. We can make it happen.
What does a wedding proposal billboard cost?
It depends. Location, format, and timing are the main variables that determine pricing. Between those variables, there are options for every budget.
We hope that these FAQs lead to a few “I do’s”. If a billboard marriage proposal is for you, get in touch with OUTFRONT today.
Author: Jay Fenster, Marketing Manager @ OUTFRONT
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